
Westchester County, New York (Digital)

It’s the end of the semester, you’re moving back home for the summer the very next day and you’re in the midst or packing stuff to leave in campus storage and somehow in the thick of balancing the urge to vigorously rinse the semester off of your hands and tempering your want to be back home, you somehow carve out time not just to welcome me but effectively take me on a tour of said campus and for a moment, forget. I know that was a hell of a run on sentence but it pales in comparison when I tell you that Devonna is a hell of a person. Though near impossible to quantify, there is a subtle patience, a slowness even, to her, and when around it, let’s just say, “when in Rome.” I did my best to display that very patience along with a grace and poise that I think translated beautifully on camera.

— Field Notes



