
Long Island, NY (Digital)

In a world where almost every aspect of our lives is unnecessarily made into a competition, anyone could be forgiven for feeling pressured at idea of attempting something for the very first time. The stress and self imposed notion of having to be perfect amongst the other “contestants” means a lot fewer people take risks, the very risks that often lead to lasting change and meaningful growth. Before these photos were taken, Kayla had never been photographed, at least not in the “professional” sense and she was understandably anxious about the entire thing. Now, I’ve made a habit over the past few years that when planning to photograph someone and in particular if it’s their first time of allowing them to have as much input and influence as they’d like. Outfit, location, day, time, the music we play, whatever the variable might be, I’ve grown comfortable with having as little say as needed in order to instill reassurance within the person. This control, this transparency, this level of orchestration that I defer, uncommon as it is, empowers them and it shows. If the common theme between most forms of anxiety is the aspect of an uncertain outcome, then it makes sense that giving someone as much control as possible, short of eliminating, reduces the anxiety and allows them to properly enjoy and be present in the moment. I’ll always be more appreciative of this trust more than words will convey but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth saying; so, thank you. 

— Field Notes



