
Brooklyn, New York (Film)

I love photographing people that are animated; that are alive. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with sitting and being simply observed as a fixture in time but for what I’m after, essence of self, animation goes miles beyond fixed state any day of the week. I was somewhat limited on what we could capture with these because all I had at my disposal was two rolls of 36, one Superia and the other being Portra. Every frame of the rolls went to good use especially when Zelma found a random oversized pink foam hat the Airbnb owner left lying around which deservingly became the co-star of the bunch. Zelma, like others I’ve photographed, did me the honor of showing me who they are, some character, some ounce of something that can’t be summed up with 1s and 2s. Something so intrinsically unique that if someone were to try and replicate it they would fall short not because of lack if ability but moments like these, images like these, stand the test of time because they take on a life of their own. That’s largely if not entirely due to her not being afraid to be here. I’m not daft enough to know that others are capable of that or wish they could more accessibly but can’t because of reasons largely brought on by others, but in this moment I got to see it and I cherished the moment and will for years to come.

— Field Notes



