
Brooklyn, New York

Dianna (Dee-anna) Lopez is art in motion. Yes, I know that everyone in some way, shape, or form, fits this description but watching her, observing her in her element is a thing of wonder. A quick look at her Instagram and you’re likely to stumble across a clip of her around the apartment, sage lit, singing bowl music playing, just letting the sound carry her throughout the space. Something to note, and perhaps this is a narrow take, but by and large a lot of people who are photographed tend to maintain a rigid and stern disposition; almost cold. Dianna’s smiles and laughter are riddled throughout a lot of the photographs I’ve taken of her, it’s a nice shift from what seems to be the norm that showing less involvement and care being the default attitude. Editing wise for these shots at her apartment, I started with the deep red toned shadows I had been using about a year now and softened them throughout the entire frame. I’m used to going with brighter editing styles but this time around I wanted to turn that down a notch and focus on bringing details through the shadows using her skin tone as the main draw.

— Field Notes



