
Brooklyn, New York (Digital)

I’m abundantly aware than the proposition of being photographed for an hour or two can and is often nerve racking and for a variety of reasons. Anyone who’s had the pleasure of having a mirror to look in whilst being fed a subpar notion of themselves in comparison to others can easily fall victim to the horror that is body image issues. For women, men can often come across as particularly sketchy characters and even more so when around just that person. These anecdotes aren’t exactly tied to Callan but there was hesitance on her end while we were planning this day and had to push plans a few times because something that wasn’t directly related to me caused her to change her mind; and that’s fine. You’re allowed to second guess, change your mind, give yourself more time to think and assess a situation before acting. At the end of it all, after she found some peace with the idea, we set a day, time, and we ended up with something that conveys an almost opposite impression riddled with comfort and hints of bliss. Quick mention about the editing. It was pretty chilly that day and as evening rolled around the temperature fell quickly. The album is arranged chronologically and I attempted to gradually phase out the warmth I went with initially in favor of tones that conveyed its’ absence as the sun set.

— Field Notes



